
Shaker’s ongoing collaboration with MaltaPost p.l.c. in fabricating DuPont™ Corian® counters for their outlets. Here’s a summary of the information provided:

  1. MaltaPost p.l.c.:
    • MaltaPost is the leading postal services company in Malta.
    • It holds the sole license as the Universal Service Provider of postal services in the Maltese Islands.
  2. Shaker’s Collaboration:
    • Shaker has been involved in fabricating DuPont™ Corian® counters for MaltaPost outlets for the past 10 years.
  3. DuPont™ Corian® Material:
    • The counters are made from DuPont™ Corian®, known for its quality, durability, and versatility.
    • DuPont™ Corian® Cobalt is specifically mentioned for the counter tops.
  4. Functionality and Design:
    • The counters feature integration of a sliding panel, allowing customers to exchange items.
    • This design element enhances the functionality of the counters, providing convenience for both customers and staff.
  5. Hygienic and Clean:
    • DuPont™ Corian® is known for its hygienic properties, making it suitable for use in environments like postal service outlets where cleanliness is crucial.
  6. Aesthetic Appeal:
    • The DuPont™ Corian® Cobalt counter tops are described as creating a warm interior.
    • The warm interior creates a distinctive contrast with the bright red logo branding of MaltaPost, suggesting a well-thought-out design for visual appeal.



This collaboration between Shaker and MaltaPost showcases the application of high-quality materials and thoughtful design in creating functional and aesthetically pleasing counters for postal service outlets. The use of DuPont™ Corian® not only contributes to the durability and cleanliness of the counters but also adds a touch of warmth to the overall interior design.

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